Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Freezer Cooking Day Part 1

I have often read other people's blogs and thought to myself: "I would love to do what they do, if only I had the time..." Well now I do! There is a particular blog that I read everyday and that is Money Saving Mom. She has over the past couple of months posted how she plans and accomplishes her once a month Freezer Cooking Day. Basically she picks a day makes most of the meals for the month and then freezes them. Then when dinner time comes all she has to do is pull something out of the freezer. Brilliant! But however brilliant this idea is it does take some planning. On Saturday I am going to try my very first Freezer Cooking Day. Now I am not a mother of three children or even one so there is significantly less food that I have to make. I am, however, a mother of two mischievous cats, but meal prep for them easy and my husband takes care of that. The first thing I did to prepare for this day was take a survey as to what I already have on hand. I looked at recipes that have items in them that I already have. Then I printed out a blank calendar and planned our dinners for the rest of the month making sure that each meal uses something that I already have, that way I won't need to spend as much at the grocery store. I created a grocery list based on my menu planning calendar and have matched up some coupons with my grocery list. I am not as thrifty as some of my friends, especially not as thrifty as The Sneaky Mommy, but I do know how to find good deals. I am hoping that by doing the Freezer Cooking Day I can make my bi-weekly grocery budget stretch through the entire month. I know I have high hopes for my budget, but I think I can do it!

I only need to come up with 10 dinners for the rest of the month, which is not a whole lot as far as freezing goes, but it's my first time ever doing this and I don't want to over do it so that I will never want to do it again.
Here is what I am going to make and put in the freezer:

20 Tortillas (10 of them will be used in the Brown Bag Burritos)
10 Brown Bag Burritos
2 things of Pizza Dough
brown 3lbs of ground turkey
peel and slice 1lb of carrots
peel and slice 10 potatoes
peel and slice 1 onion

That should do it. Some of my meals incorporate the crock pot so I really do not need to do a whole lot of prep for that ahead of time. I'll use the vegetables that I chopped up in those crock pot meals, so I'll just drop in a bag of veggies and other ingredients and press start. I ♥ my crock pot!

I'll post an update on Saturday with the results of how I did as well as my thoughts on the whole process. I'll also let you know if I was able to stay within my budget :)

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