Freezer Cooking Day almost did not happen. I woke up and Saturday morning feeling dizzy and exhausted. I really felt run down and was not looking forward to spending part of my day at the grocery store and the other part in the kitchen. Because I wait until we have run out of everything in home before I grocery shopping we didn't have anything in the house for breakfast on Saturday. So I suggested to my husband that we go and get breakfast at IHOP. I love IHOP by the way, well I love breakfast food. After breakfast, it was really more like brunch because we didn't get out of the house until after 10am, I asked my husband if he would accompany me to Wal-Mart and then to Target to do the grocery shopping. I really felt like I needed his help because I wasn't feeling very stable on my feet. If for some reason my body decided that it didn't want to upright anymore he would be there to catch me, or at least cushion the blow of my body falling to the floor. It was slow going but we managed to get everything on the list, plus the one item my husband added when I wasn't looking (Cadbury Eggs). We managed to stay under budget until we went to Target to buy kitty litter, our cats seem to poop a lot and we go through litter like it was going out of style. So I ended up just a few dollars over my budget, but I feel confident I won't have to go to the store for a few weeks. After we got home my husband disappeared into the basement to feed his Xbox addiction and I went and rested for a few hours. I knew that if I just laid down for a little bit I would feel better. I got up at about 3:45 with my Freezer list in hand and I started in on the tortillas. While I was working on those I got the Brown Bag Burritos going.

After that I chopped up the potatoes, carrots and onions.

After about an hour and a half I really ran out of steam, I decided to call it quits. This is what I ended up with.

And also a sink full of dishes.

I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but this was my first time trying this and I didn't want to be overwhelmed. I think all in all I ended up with about 5 meals ready to go. I got about half of my meals done that I wanted to.
What I learned
This is something that I definitely have to plan for and make sure that I have all of the ingredients on hand. I ended up not making pizza dough because I forgot one of the most important ingredients that goes in pizza dough - yeast. I really thought I had some, but didn't check before hand, of course I didn't have any. Also my tortilla recipe didn't make as many tortillas as I had hoped. I guess I could call it a success, but really won't know if it was a success until the end of the month.
One last thought...since we have gotten rid of satellite I have noticed I have become very domesticated. I'm not sure how I feel about this, I think I will be discussing this in a future post.
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