Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Weekly Blog

This evening I was in one of those rare moods where I actually wanted to wash the windows and base boards. My husband gladly volunteered to play Xbox and stay out of my way. When I went to pull out the glass cleaner and the wood cleaner from under the sink I realized I have way too many cleaners. Seriously, I don't know why I feel the need to buy so many different cleaners when I am confident that I could make my own multi-purpose cleaner on the cheap. Even though I plan on doing this I cannot justify throwing out a bunch of cleaners and start a new with just two or three different cleaners. I decided that I would use up what was under my sink. I did manage use up one can of Lemon Pledge, just three more different wood cleaners to go! As I was washing and scrubbing I had an idea! Why not start blogging about inexpensive all natural products. I could call it, cue awe inspiring music, I could call it...ummm....awe inspiring music fades...I have no clue what to call it. I was thinking it could be a weekly thing where I share what granola, er...natural things that I have incorporated into my daily life. I would like to point out at this time I am from Colorado. If you have spent anytime in Colorado then you know that there are some umm...interesting people there who are actually 100% crunchy granola. I am not one of them, however I have started to lean more that way as I increase in age. Also my mother is pretty granola herself. I remember one time after she finished reading her "Mother Earth News" periodical she wanted to build a house out of recycled tires that were really just old tires stacked on top of one another. She had to settle for a terraced hill out of old tires, pretty sure my dad was not going to go for a tire house. Anyway she has bestowed some of her granola wisdom on me and some of it I have just picked up here or there. Now what to call these weekly posts? I still don't have a clue, but maybe by next week I'll have something. And you'll have to come back next week when I let you know how in the world I haven't used shampoo in more than 6 months. There are more of these kinds of adventures I have to share with you, and let me tell you some of the natural things I've tried have been pretty adventurous.

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