Saturday, January 30, 2010


I know it has been awhile since I blogged. My goal is to post something once a week, so I just missed one week. In my last post I complained about being bored out of my skull now that we don't have a T.V. to watch. I must admit that I was having a hard time coming up with things to do. But these past two weeks I have had a lot to do, and it's been nice that I can get things done without being distracted. After my last post my fabulous mother-in-law called my husband and told him that she had bought me a piano and that it was being delivered in the next week. I couldn't believe it! She bought me, and my sister-in-law, a new Yamaha digital piano. This was an unexpected blessing! I have spent the past two weeks playing it almost everyday. I love it! Last Saturday my husband and I went to the music store and I picked out an easy praise songs piano book so I would have something else to play than just a hymnal, not that there is anything wrong with a hymnal. The emphasis is actually on the easy because it has been a long time since I have played the piano and I'm a little rusty, and I wasn't that great to begin with. Also last week I was able to do something else that I love which was a blessing. As a thank you gift for the piano I was able to arrange some flowers for my husband's mom. This is one of my most favorite things to do and I really haven't had much opportunity to do it because our cats like to destroy anything that is pretty and it really can get costly.

This past week has been a little bit tougher and a bit more stressful but there were many blessings. Last Saturday my husband and I were driving around and saw some condos that were for sale. My husband wondered out loud: "I wonder what those go for and what they look like inside." I told him I could look them up to see. For those of you who don't know we are trying to sell our current single family home and are looking for a townhouse because we hate yard work. I know it's kind of a silly reason to move, but we have tried the single family house thing and realized it's not for us. Anyway these condos that are for sale are no where near the area we were looking, but are very close to our church and my work. We got home and I looked them up, one of them was in our price range and looked very interesting from the pictures. On Sunday we were invited out for lunch right down the road from the condos. I asked my husband if he wanted to go over and check them out because I noticed that they would be open from 1-4pm. We got there and walked into the place and it was like angels singing, at least for me. My cool-as-a-cucumber husband didn't say anything. I was almost giddy and giggled a lot. I'm sure the realtor showing us the place thought we were really weird. This unit had everything we were looking for. It also had an underground parking garage with a space big enough for 4 cars, seriously it was fantastic. We knew when we left that this was the one. I started off on Monday calling our lender, whom we haven't spoken to since we first put our house on the market 6 months ago. I just wanted to make sure our financing was still there and there wouldn't be any surprises. Next was to our realtor to let him know we had found it and would like to see it again! After an exhausting week of thinking up of every possible scenario for us to get into this place we still had/have one big problem, our current home. It still hasn't sold. We went over more scenarios, should we rent it? Should we try to carry two mortgages for a few months till it sells? So after much prayer and discussion we decided that we would put in a subject to sell offer, meaning we will buy that place if our current home sells within a certain time frame. If someone else decides to make an offer on the place we love they can accept it, but they have to give us notice. As it stands right now we are waiting to see if they have accepted our subject to sell offer or not. I really hope they do! Here are the blessings out of this situation...we have options financially. The Lord has blessed us with good credit and good stable jobs. Also, we have learned a few things about how things are done in the home buying world and if we have to make an offer on another place we already know the process. We have picked out a back-up home, it's not as wonderful as the one we put the offer on, but it is certainly very nice. Someone looked at our current house today, I don't know if they liked it or not, but at least someone is looking. There were some stressful moments for us over the past week, and I'm sure there will be more to come, but I feel the good outweighs the bad and the Lord has a plan for us. The greatest blessing this week was that I got to learn to rely more upon my Lord. It is because of Him and what Christ has done on the cross that we can truly experience all the many blessings He sends our way.

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