Monday, July 5, 2010

I ♥ Holidays

Yesterday was the 4th and normal people go and watch fireworks and go to bbq's on the 4th. You know what my husband and I did? We went and saw a movie in the afternoon and then went home and read until about 10pm and went to bed. We kept all the windows closed last night and left the air on even though it was a cool evening. We didn't want our slumber to be bothered by all the illegal fireworks being set off. This morning we got up at 7:30am and really have done nothing all day and really don't plan on doing anything all day. We did go for a 2 mile walk this morning with the dog and let me tell you no one was out and about. As I sit here and type there is still not a whole lot of activity in our neighborhood. I assume everyone was up late shooting off fireworks while we blissfully slept.

There are a couple of things that I need to get done today. One of them is this, blogging. In case you hadn't noticed I took a four week hiatus. It wasn't an intentional hiatus, time just gets away from me. I have this problem of not really keeping track of how much time has passed and what seems like just a few days for me really has been a month. This personality flaw actually drives my boss crazy, if I was my boss it would probably drive me crazy too. The other things that I need to get done revolves around the blogging summit that I am attending in a few days. There seems to be quite a bit of homework. I actually haven't done any homework for anything in about 12 years. Unless you count my Russian language classes, which I don't because that was out of necessity; I needed that skill to survive and to stop telling people I was naked when I was really hungry (they are very similar words in Russian). So now I must force myself to do something that I haven't done in a long time. I'm sure that I will of course wait until the last minute to do this homework, like when I'm on the plane. Hmmm....that seems like a good time to do it, maybe I'll just procrastinate wait until then. I will be updating my blog before and maybe during the summit. There will probably be a lot of changes to the blog after the summit, because I'll be trying out some new things that I've learned. For now I am going to continue what I set out to do today, which is not much.

1 comment:

  1. Doing nothing might be my favorite hobby :-) I should do it (or not do it) more often! Can't wait to find out what you learn at your Blogging Summit!!! Hope you have a super week.
